Friday, November 13, 2015

Project Decision

Based off my strengths of creating a magazine, and my weaknesses of developing a film, I am choosing to create the magazine. I believe that my strengths of completing the magazine outweigh the weaknesses, and the weaknesses of developing a film outweigh the strengths. Therefore, the magazine would be the best choice for me to accomplish. This will be a group project as I will be developing the magazine with my partner, Dylan. We came up with the idea of developing a Teen Scientists magazine. We are thinking that we will interview students that are completing/have already completed a scientific research project. From this, we will take their information and pictures that we have taken (if granted permission), and develop separate issues of this magazine, both using projects from different research categories. We are doing this in order to try to create an effect that encourages other students in the state of Florida to realize the importance and heavy impact of science throughout the world. Also, we want students that read this magazine to become interested in science and maybe even have the desire to pursue a career in science. Our roles for this magazine consist of interviewing, taking quality pictures of the students if allowed, along with their projects. Also, both Dylan and I will create a separate issue of this magazine, each focusing on different research categories. Our target audience will be non-post secondary education students (students in middle school-high school). We believe this will result in being a viable media product as science is beginning to appeal more to the younger generation. This is due to the fact that science contains numerous real world-applications, ones that are extremely interesting. As these students are starting to consider career paths, this magazine will be a great opportunity for them to investigate fields of science. This product will be distributed, in a theoretical situation, through middle and high schools in Florida. Copies of the magazine would be sent to science teachers in these chosen schools, who would then hand them out to their students. In order to market this product, we will attempt to create a visually attractive cover page, one that will catch the student's attention, so they have the desire to open it up and read it.  Another method to market this magazine would be to produce a taped video announcement regarding science and then further promoting the magazine. This tape would be aired on the school's announcements. This way, not only science students would receive a copy, but if other students became interested based off the video, they could also receive a copy to read. 

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